Monday, 9 December 2013

historical textual analysis

'the jazz singer"is the switch to digital similar to the switch to motion pictures with sound back in the late 1920's
and how what audiences and industries reactions?

sound in the movie industry failed for almost 2 decades and those in the movie industry thought that sound in movies would never be profitable.

The warner brothers challenged this on october 26 1927 by creating a sycronised sound film experience  "the jazz singer"

it was a landmark moment

dead silence and panic in the private screening independant inventors batteled with the studios then each other

everyone wanted to know how it worked

actors such as charlie chaplin found it hard to speak in films (similar to tarantino hard to use digital however its the actors that where effected)

thomas edison was the first person who tried to synchronise film and sound togther , film with sound was a chgange that people wanted not just something that happened naturally with technological advances.

edisons later inventions werent very good, they where too complex to use and didnt work very well, people where quick to judge that sound was not a good idea

edison finally said he had enough in 1913 and that he is not getting anyweher and he dropped it

thatres had to adapt and early movies with sound didnt do well because only a few could play them

mgm paramount declined sound on disc idea and said not interested

public where happy and the studio was happy with silent movies